"The obvious incredible space"

140 m2

About the project

I wanted to create a universal space in this showroom, combining classic techniques and fresh trends in the design of a commercial locality.
Every square meter is involved in the fulfillment of the main task — demonstrating a variety of design solutions.
The showroom has 3 zones for the exhibition of samples of doors, canvases, fittings and a "floating" skirting board.

Planning solution

Photos of the project

Today, flush—mounted doors are one of the favorite techniques of designers, an actual trend that visually expands the quadrature and directs attention to the main details of the interior.
And the neutral light shades of the walls in the showroom play into the hands of this technique. Instead of boring prints, the structure is created by geometric drawings made with moldings, as well as color zoning.
So they turn into canvases, on which the main elements are samples of doors and examples of art elements inscribed in the design.

Project publications


Watch the video of the project

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