"Always be yourself"

Country house in the Moscow region
200 m2

About the project

This country house was supposed to be a cottage for a mother and her adult son, in which you can live on a permanent basis at any time of the year.
The particularity of the task was that at the stage when the designer joined to it, almost all the finishing materials were selected and purchased, more than 70%.
The reason is the original idea of the customers — to build a laconic and spacious barnhouse-style house with a brutal loft interior.
Therefore, the walls in some rooms are lined with brick, and there are massive wooden beams under the ceiling.
The weight of all this powerful foundation is dissolved thanks to panoramic windows in every room leading to the garden or to a cozy terrace surrounded by greenery.

Planning solution

Photos of the project

In the course of work on the object, the wishes of the owners changed, they wanted to add more life to the design, even audacity and playfulness, combine several styles at once, adding antique furniture and modern art objects to the overall concept.
In a mixture of feelings and imagination, an eclectic interior was born with two personal bedrooms, a spacious living room-kitchen with a fireplace — the center of attraction of the entire space, a sauna, a spectacular bathroom and a spacious multi-level dressing room with a four-meter staircase.

Project publications


Watch the video of the project

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